These need to be distributed more widely.
How cool would it be to have them inserted in the middle of a district convention, playing over the big screen in the stadium. Very V.
These need to be distributed more widely.
How cool would it be to have them inserted in the middle of a district convention, playing over the big screen in the stadium. Very V.
*** rbi8 matthew 16:27 ***.
27 for the son of man is destined to come in the glory of his father with his angels, and then he will recompense each one according to his behavior.. .
he just forgot to bring his angles with him & forgot to judge the nations.
I am living and breathing right now, I have evidence of that. you do not have evidence.
Please PORVE that this is true.
When it has either served its purpose or adequately failed to do so.
ever notice when there's a bro in the hall who is really smart, that all the others suddenly start trying to one up him in the answers?
or when a co or do shows up, same thing?
and there's always that one brother who knows alot of stuff, but always manages to just get it wrong?
The "know it all" seems to be more accepted by JW's than society at large.
It seems to be that it provides some kind of validity to the truth to the JW. Saying that "Well, Bro. Genius accepts the truth, which proves that it must be logical because he is soooo smart". I have know of one in every hall that I have attended for any amount of time, which happens to be five.
whence the flood waters?.
skeptic (altadena, ca) - january 1, 2001. tom mciver.
word count: 5680.. .
This was the first thing that I ever questioned about the WT doctrine.......AHH memories : )
How many of these have been done?
there was someones name on here that i thought was great, but cannot remember what it is.. what are some of the better screen names?.
There was someones name on here that I thought was great, but cannot remember what it is.
What are some of the better screen names?
what is the best way to have a bible study without the use of watchtower or awake magazines, just with the bible itself?
is the best way to just read a book of the bible and study that or read a chapter of a book, or word (topic).
then once you figure what you want to do, what is the best way to break it down.
Creating an outline yourself is a great idea.
One more thing that I would like to add. Finding out about the historical purpose of the book in a few words is helpful and also fairly easy. You can find out the intended audience and the purpose of the book usually with a quick web search, often on wiki. This gives a good framework to understand the book. For example, Matthew was written in Hebrew to the Jewish people, so you would expect lots about the Mosaic Law b/c and Jewish perspective that is what they were familiar with.
Sounds like you have a concordance, which is helpful when looking up a very specific topic or a word study, but outside of that it is not that useful. I would recommend getting a bible dictionary (I like the Holman Dictionary) and a topical bible index (I like MacArthur's topical bible index) to complement your concordance.
Also, if you dont have any study bibles I would recommend getting a few; the NIV study bible, Reformation study bible, New Jerusalem study bible, MacArthur Study bible are all good. The study bibles are good for their text note, and some have mini essays in them. I think that it is good to have a wide perspective on biblical issues. In line with a study bible would be a good commentary, I have several but the Matthew Henry commentary seems to be the best to me. They wrote their commentary some time back and in several volumes, but you can get it in updated English and in one volume, mine is the one published by Zondervan.
When you are ready to get really deep look into a Systematic Theology book. They are very weighty and slow read but extremely valuable in getting really deep into specific topics, usually somewhere around 1,000-1,500 pages long. They are a slow read, takes up to a year to go though one and really understand it.
For the audio. It largely depends on what translation you want, but I happen to have one for the English Standard Version. There are problems with every translation, though the differences between translations are minor (with the exception of the NWT), but I find the ESV to be fair and readable. So, I went with The Listener's Bible narrated by Max McLean for the ESV. I think that this series comes in several different translations. It cost about 50 US dollars and came on four MP3 CDs. Max is a very good reader and I believe that he is a professional storyteller. Sometimes he is a bit high falutin in his reading which takes a bit to get used to, but most often it is warranted when he speaks like that. If I read the King James I think that I would have to go with James Early Jones reading, how cool would that be to hear him read the bible. Unfortunately he only does KJ.
All this can get really expensive, it took me a few years to build up my library and it still needs growing. Take your time and let God's word pour over you.
what is the best way to have a bible study without the use of watchtower or awake magazines, just with the bible itself?
is the best way to just read a book of the bible and study that or read a chapter of a book, or word (topic).
then once you figure what you want to do, what is the best way to break it down.
Depends on what you want, and correct me but it seems that you mean study in general. The thing that I found to be most helpful is finding major themes about the bible. I was totally shocked how ignorant about the bible I was, and still am for that matter, because of the WTBTS teachings. I didn't even know much about the new covenant. So, I had to start at the beginning and see why people even classify the Hebrew scriptures as the Old Testament and the Greek as the New Testament. Once getting into specific books I found it helpful to look at several outlines of the book to help me see major themes within the book. This put into context a lot of scriptures that were not used properly by the WTS. I also found it helpful to listen to the bible on audio. Going though it quicker than I could read it gave a new perspective on some of the major themes. I highly recommend doing this, even if you have read the bible several times.
About breaking it down. In seminary there are classes on this very subject, properly called hermeneutics. There are some texts that are a very good introduction to the subject and will force you to grow your biblical study. For all things this is a good principle: find the authors focus (historical setting and context), the text itself ( grammar and lexicon), and interpretation. This principle is probably of little value without fleshing it out, but once understood it is fantastic. The book that I have is Biblical Hermeneutics by Corley, Lemke, and Lovejoy.
Above all the most important thing is to lay aside our thoughts when we enter the bible and pray. This is the hardest thing to do, to read the bible with no notions about what you already believe. Pray that God guides you in your search.
i would like to find some pro-jw sites.
i know that the society frowns on internet use....but there has to be some out there.
i know several years ago i looked at several sites that had forums with lots of active and strong jw's.
Thanks Susan. It may take me some time, but I think that I may be able to get in.